Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Under Observation

I woke up feeling a lot better...no pain, no bleeding and I could feel “Goog” kicking...but the nurses couldn't hear the fetal heartbeat...they said that we should not worry if I say I can feel movement because the machine is designed for full term babies so it is probably just because he is small...they said to wait for Dr Nagel...When he came he recommended that I stay in hospital under observation...I was then taken across to his rooms so that he could do a scan himself to see what is going on...he said baby was not under stress at this point...my placenta looked very bad...he checked to see if I had dilated at all...I had not...my cervix was still tightly closed...He said he strongly suggests that Shane go to work so long as we don’t know what to expect, I could be in hospital for a long time, or things could end quite horribly and he may need time off work…so after the scan etc Shane went home to shower and then went to work...he came straight back to the hospital after work…that night he wouldn’t go home again, I even tried to convince him as the chair did not look comfortable at all…

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