Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Front Page!

Corgan was no longer on oxygen when we arrived this morning. Corgan's story was on the front page of The Mercury! When I went down to the toilet all the security and other staff pointed at the news stand...when I looked up at it there were just rows and rows of my baby's photo :) He weighed 1.920kg this morning. Dr Egner said he could have one breast and one bottle during today and he could go back into a crib. He also had physiotherapy again and his chest was very congested and had a lot of thick stuff in it... Corgan's story was mentioned on SABC 3 this morning during the newspaper highlights part. Neville Pillay mentioned Corgan's story a number of times during his show on East Coast Radio and he mentioned Corgan on his blog... In the evening Corgan was doing much better although he was battling to breathe through his blocked nose - Nokuthula suctioned him which helped. I had picked up a cold as well and was not feeling well...Shane bottle fed Corgan - I didn't want to get too close to him...We found out that Billy Corgan had tweeted "Sending Love to the Layden's" on twitter...awesome...

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