Thursday, 11 November 2010

No Blood!

Corgan had further x-rays of his chest done. The ET tube hasn't moved much. His chest infection seems to be clearing. No blood was taken from him this morning for a change and for the first time since he was born...The nurse explained that over 4 hours of feeding, which totals 16ml, Corgan only doesn't digest 0.8ml which is very good. The nurse from yesterday and the other day was much friendly and talkative today...I hope she feels bad! I am now getting 200ml each time I express...This evening Corgan was quite relaxed, his machine beeping every now and then, going from a couple "Tube Obstructed" messages to the "Apnoeia" message. Gervais is on duty tonight...he mentioned that this was when Corgan forgets to breathe sometimes for about ten seconds or so, which is quite scary...its common for premature babies to do that...

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